My Services

An overview of Mental Health and support services we offer.

Overcome Self-Doubt

It’s normal to experience feelings of doubt when we are faced with new or challenging situations.

Complete your Goals

Accomplishing goals takes time, and the bigger the goal the longer it takes. Be Patient and consistent!

Win in Love!

Set and maintain your standard! Love hard but not foolishly. Communicate mindfully and problem solve with love!

Anxiety and Depression

Paying attention to your lifestyle choices may be important to help you overcome anxiety and depression! Self-care is key

Find what you need!

Specializing in a variety of Therapies for Anxiety,
Depression, life & Work stress & Couples Counseling & more!

The stresses of daily life can cause everyone to feel down now or overwhelmed. But if those bad days are coming more often or becoming more severe, or they are causing serious disruption to your daily life, it is time to get some help. We assess and treat a wide range of behavioral health, relational, life, and work issues. We provide comprehensive and compassionate care.

We are here to help! Get In Touch with me.

Open for Appointments

Have a look at my schedule to book a session.

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Susan is a life changer, having magical skills for helping people with psychotherapy.

~ Business Insider, August 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

Need Help? Get in touch!

In the United States, nearly 1 in 5 adults live with a mental health condition, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, but only about half of them receive treatment.

If you are experiencing distressing emotions and thoughts, significant life or work stress, impulsive behaviors and having trouble managing them, seek help.

If you feel you need help? Get In Touch with me.

  • Mental health counseling isn’t a substitute for emergency services

    In the event of a mental health emergency — like if you’re thinking about harming yourself or someone else — call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7 at 800-273-8255.

  • What is mental health therapy?

    Mental health therapy is provided by licensed professionals who treat the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects of mental health and substance use conditions. They work with individuals, families, couples, and groups in a variety of settings.

  • What do psychotherapist do?

    They support clients using talk therapy to process their symptoms and discuss treatment options. Mental Licensed therapist provide psychotherapy to help clients, understand their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts, identify stressors and teach them healthy coping, communication, and problem-solving techniques.

  • Our treatment modalities.

    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapy that helps people recognize destructive thinking patterns, understand how that influences their behavior, and how to adopt healthier behaviors.

    Psychodynamic therapy focuses on emotion and interpersonal relationships. With a professional’s guidance, clients use self-reflection and self-examination to uncover and work through problem
    atic patterns.

    Control Mastery is based on the premise that negative beliefs about one's self, formed via traumatic childhood experiences. CMT help people seeking treatment work to develop their ability to identify constricting beliefs, test the validity of those beliefs, and take control of their thoughts and behaviors in order to overcome any negative impact certain pathogenic beliefs they have.

    Contextual therapists work with their clients to help them understand how their environment affects their lives. he therapist works with the client to help them understand their unique circumstances and find solutions that work for them. Contextual therapists aim to help people find solutions that work within their unique circumstances. This involves considering the individual’s culture, values, beliefs, and social context. This approach is effective in helping people to make positive changes in their lives.

  • We provide trauma-Informed Care

    Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) is an approach in the human service field that assumes that an individual is more likely than not to have a history of trauma. Trauma-Informed Care recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role trauma may play in an individual’s life