R.A.W: Pre-marital & Relationship Support

R.A.W. Pre-marital & Relationship Support was written to inspire people who desire to have healthy, supportive romantic relationships. Pre-marital & Relationship Support focuses on relational, life, and emotional facts one needs to know before entering a relationship to ensure that each partner is fully aware of and prepared for what they are getting into and is fully on board. This book is meant to guide your life’s relational journey to develop the skills, confidence, and support system necessary for a successful marriage or long-term relationship. During this process, the goal is to help you develop or improve your ability to identify the best partner for you while also helping you break the bad decision-making habits created by low self-esteem, loneliness, fear of being alone, tired of struggling, and childhood trauma that cause you to overlook red flags (signs of incompatibility) and make poor relational choices that lead to you being hurt or disappointed time and time again.

By the end of this book, my hope is for you and those who support you to begin to learn the process of dating with a standard, not settling, and constantly doing the self-work necessary to ensure that you are the healthiest partner possible in all aspects of your life. Hopefully, this perspective will help you gather the resources, social support, and tools needed to better manage and process any additional past dating and relational trauma. I want to help you obtain the life and relationship you desire, the skills and motivation needed to achieve that life, increase your confidence, and, most importantly, the patience required to live your best life possible with yourself and those you love.


R.A.W. Anxiety: A Guide to Understanding and overcoming my Anxieties

This book represents a personal and professional journey that I have had dealt with personally and help others work through professionally. I myself, like millions of people around the world struggle with it daily, and this book is hopefully one of the first steps you take to win your battle with it. This book is meant to be a guide on your life’s journey into overcoming your anxiety to have healthy relationships, life and work experiences, and the courage and motivation that will enable you to discover your purpose, areas to explore, and the great life experiences that your anxiety may be keeping you from. The goal is to support you in better understanding your life’s anxieties and guide you in working through anxious thoughts and triggers daily. By the end of this process, my hope is for you to learn how to recognize and overcome anxiety triggers, its ability to paralyze you and begin to replace them with a heart to live life more that will lead you to have healthier relationships, improved work experiences, and happier social life. Having this perspective will hopefully help you better manage and process any additional traumatic or anxiety-inducing experiences, help you build healthier calming, and coping skills, decrease your life stress, increase your confidence, and, most importantly, prepare you for living your best life possible with yourself and others.


R.A.W. Blended Families: A Guide to Blending Better

This book represents a personal and professional journey that I have dealt with personally with my family and have helped others work through professionally. I myself, like millions of people around the world struggle with blending a healthy family unit. This book is hopefully one of the first steps you take to succeed where so many have failed before you. This book is meant to be a guide on your family’s journey into overcoming your struggles to have a healthy blended or stepfamily unit, where structure, emotional support, teamwork, and a strong sense of belonging and love is present. This will build stability, resiliency, courage, and motivation that will enable your family to grow and go confidently in all areas of life experiences that unstable or single-family units may struggle. The goal is to support your family in better understanding and overcoming dysfunctional behaviors, attitudes, and parenting styles that ultimately lead to the family ending. By the end of this process, my hope is for you be on the pathway to healing and strengthening your blended/stepfamily. Having this insight will hopefully help you better manage and process any additional traumatic or anxiety-inducing experiences, help you build healthier calming and coping skills, decrease family and life stress, while increasing your love and connection, and, most importantly, preparing you for the best family.


Launch – A Guide to Successfully Transitioning Young Adults

R.A.W. Launch was written to inspire young adults to find themselves and who they want to be in life. Launching refers to a young adult’s ability to meet their own economic, social, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs successfully and independently. This book is meant to be a guide on your life’s journey into becoming a fully functioning adult with the skills, confidence, and vision to meet all your needs and accomplish all your life goals. During this process, the goal is to help you develop or improve your ability, identify your goals and career path, plan how to accomplish those goals, manage your time effectively, improve your focus and motivation to complete the tasks associated with your goals, work though distractions and life events, and be emotionally strong enough to know what do and how to navigate unexpected barriers.
By the end of this book, my hope is for you and those that support you to begin to learn the process of helping you develop the executive-function skills needed to thrive as a young adult in college, trade school, in your relationships, at work experiences, and with securing economic stability. Hopefully, this perspective will help you gather the resources, social support, and tools needed to better manage and process any additional difficult life experiences. My desire is to help you obtain the life you desire, the skills and motivation needed to achieve that life, increase your confidence, and, most importantly, prepare yourself to live your best life possible with yourself and those you love.


R.A.W. Betrayal: Understanding and Healing from Love and Trust Violations

R.A.W. Betrayal was written to support individual struggling with trauma due to love and trust violations from those that they love or trusted. This book is meant to be a guide on your life’s journey into healing from love and trust betrayals to having healthy social, family, and romantic relationships. Relational trauma often begins in childhood and can impact your ability to form healthy balanced connections. The goal of this book is to support you in gaining insight into your relational struggles, provide you with a roadmap to getting support with moving past your unhealed trauma-based connections, and hopefully help you communicate your concerns and needs in healthier ways so you can form healthy lasting relationships. By the end of this process, my hope is for you to gain insight into your relational struggles, develop the strength to remove yourself from toxic relational connections, set healthy boundaries with the ones you cannot move away from, and begin to work to restore balance in your relationships. Having this perspective will hopefully reduce any self-destructive behaviors you have developed to get your needs met, reduce the chance of any additional relational trauma, help you build healthier social-emotional friendships, decrease your relational stress, increase your relational satisfaction, and, most importantly, help you feel that you deserve to feel loved and protected.


R.A.W. Faith A Guide to Emotional Faith Healing

As a minister and therapist for the past decade, I have noticed that many of my clients’ normal life, work, and relationship stressors have significantly increased due to poor faith and life coping skills, which led to negative thinking (catastrophizing), poor choices and decisions they made from past trauma or fear, misplaced loyalty, vanity or materialism, emotions, but most prevalent was the fear of being abandoned or alone. This book emerged from my noticing a trend in 2019 of unhealthy decision-making influenced by people making unhealthy choices for unhealthy social reasons that often left them emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually overwhelmed, which worsened through the pandemic. This book guides its readers in learning about how to apply their faith to help improve their coping and decision-making skills. The goal is to support individuals in applying their faith to their daily life struggles. I believe that God has given us the power to control our negative intrusive thoughts (that little devil on your shoulder) and empowered us not to react to those thoughts emotionally. While the book focuses on building and applying our faith to all aspects of our lives that we struggle with, it also provides insight into God’s desire for us to not just live but live abundantly in all areas of our lives!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. 8 It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. - Proverbs 3:5-8 (New King James Version)


R.A.W Church: A Guide to Finding and Understanding Your Church Home

As a child of God, minister, and therapist for the past decade, I have noticed that many of my clients’ struggles in their spiritual life, work, and relationship stressors have significantly increased due to not having the faith support, trauma from Church hurt, poor faith and life coping skills, which led to negative thinking (catastrophizing), poor choices and decisions they made from past trauma or fear, misplaced loyalty, vanity or materialism, and most prevalent was the fear of being abandoned or alone. This book emerged from my desire to help those struggling with unhealthy decision-making influenced by their faith struggles find a place that will support them with learning and growing in Christ in a healthy, Christian, safe space. The goal is to support believers emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually to feel less overwhelmed, more loved, and supported, and to give them the tools to find a healthy Church home that fits their needs.
This book guides its readers in learning about how to identify and understand the Church structure, the roles and responsibilities of Church offices, and their roles as believers to help improve their ministries, faith community, spiritual coping and decision-making, and, ultimately, the great Commission. The goal is to support individuals in applying their faith to their daily life struggles. I believe God has given us the power to control our negative intrusive thoughts (that little devil on your shoulder) and empowered us not to react to those thoughts emotionally. While the book focuses on building and applying our faith to all aspects of our lives that we struggle with, it also provides insight into God’s desire for us to not just live but live abundantly in all areas of our lives!